Official working hours: Sunday – Thursday from 9 am: 3 pm – except for holidays and official holidays

GUP Program

The GUP program is designed to develop special mechanisms to discover innovative and talented students in the fields of basic sciences and technology and provide the necessary training for officials care centers (the official innovation centers) in the universities.

What this program has to offer for students are the following:

  1. Implementation of training courses in the fields of intellectual property, patents, innovation and entrepreneurship.
  2. Implementation of seminars, workshops and training courses in the fields of science and technology as needed.
  3. Providing the necessary technical and material support to preserve intellectual property rights for students who have presented innovative ideas that can lead to products with economic or strategic returns.
  4. Setting regulations for the university’s intellectual property policy.
  5. Organizing an annual ceremony to honor outstanding students in scientific and technological competitions and highlight their success stories in the media.
  6. Providing the necessary support by adopting the advanced ideas of the Virtual Incubator Program and the Accelerator Program.

Expected Outcomes